Luckily, people like to share.
Through sharing we learn about people and about ourselves. Everyone has a story if only someone would ask. Here is an activity that has been done in community learning before and can be replicated as a bonding activity.Stage 1: Find the Person (20 minutes; need note cards and pencils) [Excellent for a new community or a new group of people working together.]
Ask each person to write one unusual thing about themselves that they are certain no one in the room knows about them. Tell them not to identify themselves on the cards. Collect the cards and redistribute. Then ask each person to try to find the person based on the description on the card they were given. Once the person is identified; encourage them to share basic information such as name, hobby, etc. Each person is then responsible for introducing the person described on their card to the rest of the group (e.g. this is Jane. She once saved someone from choking. She is a math teacher at Lincoln. Her partner and she have three children under the age of five.).
Stage 2: Tell me Your Story (4-5 minutes per person) [Excellent for really getting to know someone and creating a comfortable, safe space to share personal information.]
It is best to give the participants some notice, but not necessary. Ask the participants to share some personal story with the rest of the group (e.g. what experience motivated or affirmed your choice to make education your career?). Gather the people in a tight half circle (rows may be necessary) and place one chair at the front of the circle. Each person takes turns sharing their story. Be prepared for lots of laughter and tears.
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