
Friday, June 1, 2012

Second Life helping Professional Development

             We are always looking for ways to improve and expand the teaching of Professional Development.  Recently we found an article on zite that does just that by introducing the use of the website Second Life.

Second Life is an online, virtual world where players can create a representation of themselves called an avatar.  The site allows you to live through this alternate version of you, earning money (called L$ in the game), buying virtual products, socializing with others, exploring the world and more.   

Since its creation in 2003 many educational institutions have built buildings in the virtual world and used it as a learning tool for students.  Project DIRECT did this to create a place for teachers to meet and converse.  According to the article “The mission of Project DIRECT (Distance Innovations for Rural Educators using Communication Technologies) is to support rural schoolteachers with the integration of technology into their content areas of reading, writing and studying, and to be in a safe community full of teacher collegiality.”  The program is conducted almost entirely on Second Life. 

Because the project was created for rural teachers, the participants are not centrally located which makes an online program ideal.  The avatars explore the campus Project DIRECT has lain out where there are instructions on how to use different features on the site and therefore expanding familiarity with technology.  Once teachers get the feel of navigating the simulated world, they can go on learning safaris.  Each safari teaches a new aspect of Professional Development.  It also creates a space for teachers to meet each other and share ideas or questions. 

Project DIRECT was just one application of how Second Life can be used for Professional Development but the possibilities are endless.   

If you would like to read the article for yourselves or watch the video that accompanies it, you can find it here.

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